All this Projects below are college assignments. This are not any live or professional website.


Lecture 1 - First Website [Bonus Lab]

The goal for this exercise is to demonstrate our knowledge using the concepts from Lecture 1.
For this, I developed two versions of the same website:
  • In part I, I created an initial version
  • In Part II, I created a sophisticated version, where i made it look polish, professional.
Learning Outcomes
In this Assignment, I learned how to design a layout of any website. I acknowledged myself with various basic HTML tags like, < HTML > ,< head > ,< body > . Including this i got to know about Elements, Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs, Styles, Formatting, Quotations, Comments, Color, Links, Images, Tables from
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Lecture 2 - Table Exercise - Employee Directory

The goal for this exercise is to demonstrate our knowledge using the HTML tags related to designing tables

The table must contain the following columns:

  • Photo | Image must be resized to either 32x32 or 64 x 64.
  • Name | Last name Bold
  • Postal Code | Must be links to Google Maps
  • email | Must be clickable to send an email; Custom Font: Courier New
  • Phone | Must be clickable to make a call
  • Salary | Custom Font: Courier New, Custom Font Size: 18pt, Green background

The table Layout was given below:

Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I used many html tags a, attributes and CSS to design as per given table and data. I learned about the table format and other table tags.
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Lecture 3 - Best Practices on Visual Elements

In this exercise I worked on the design of a website.

  1. I Picked two websites areas/functionalities to describe them. Found four websites that uses those areas/functionalities, which have similar content/services and the other two are on different contents/services.
Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I have been taught how to analyse different websites and functionalitis to create my own website. How to decide the functionalities and design by getting inspiration of existing websites.
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Lecture 4 - Developing Survey using HTML Forms

  • I designed a webpage for a survey. My goal was to use all the HTML Input Types properly
  • I can customize the parameters and behaviour of each element, when possible.
  • Created your own question to collect the user’s personal information as below:
    • Include multiple choice questions.
    • Questions with single answer.
    • Questions with multiple answer.
Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I created a form with GET and POST method. which was created using various html form fields and submited the detail successfully.
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Lecture 7 - Javascript

I Developed a web page that contains a table element that will be modified dynamically using Javascript.

  • Added the tags <html> <head> <body>
  • Applied some style, aesthetics is important. External CSS file.
    • Reasonable layout
    • Positioning, centralization, whatever needed to make look good.
    • Try to harmonize the colors.
Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I created a form with various input tags. I submitted all the data and displayed the data to the table using javascript. I created some javascript functions and filled the data in table.
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Lecture 8,10 - Forms Validation using JS

I developed the SignUp form using javascript validations.

Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I learned to add validation in javascript using different methods and varibles of javascript.
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Lecture 11 - Image Galery

I created an image gallery using flexbox layout. I added favourite image icon on the corner of each images.

Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I learned the Flexbox layout and varios effects on image.
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Assignment 1 Preview: HTML5 Website with CSS

  • In this website i created a replice of a webiste.I added five pages with HTML,CSS,javascript and jQuery. I used several libraries to make it more attractive and astonished.
Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, I learned create a website from scratch, added CSS, various libraries and functionalitis to make it more user interactive..
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